We are flying from Indianapolis to JFK in New York then to Moscow. From Moscow we will fly to Volgograd, Russia and take a bus to Elista, Kalmykia, Russia.
Oct. 13 Trip Update: Chuck Evans: Thank you so much for your prayers and support for our trip to Kalmykia. Today, Monday, October 13, I am resting after not feeling too well last night but am doing better today. The rest of the team has gone to do some sight seeing this morning and I have the opportunity to send you a report.
We have had an amazingly fruitful trip so far. We arrived in Moscow and then flew on to Volgograd on the 7th. In Volgograd we met Pastor Velodia, our host pastor in Elista, and the worship team who was joining us from Samara. We immediately boarded a bus for a 5 hour trip to Elista, Kalmykia where we arrived around 1 am at our flat and met our “flat parents” Uri, and Svetlana. We arrived to the exciting news that we would have no running water in the flat for the next 2 days, so we made do very well with a bathtub that had been filled previously with water.
On Wednesday morning, we met for a wonderful omelet breakfast at the beautiful house and church of Pastor Velodia and his wife Tatiana. That morning, Dr. Vahle, Curt, and Johnny Cawthon went to meet with some doctors from the region to consider what medical needs we might help with in the region. The rest of us began putting a Russian/English song list together that we could use when we went out singing in the local squares of the towns we would visit. We had a great time connecting and worshipping.
We left late Wednesday afternoon for Lagon, Kalmykia to be with Pastor Sanal’s church. On the way we had dinner at a marvelous barbecue restaurant that served delicious skewered barbecued pork. We arrived late in the evening and our American team stayed with Lida and Albina, two precious ladies, mother and daughter, originally from the region of Georgia in Russia. Like most of the people we meet in Russia, their stories of ethnic conflict, and transmigration because of war, prejudice, or persecution was very interesting.
In Lagon, on Thursday morning, we began a day filled with ministry opportunities. Judy and Curt Vahle once again went to meet with some local physicians. The rest of us went prayer walking and connecting with the community. We especially remember our time of prayer in the middle of the administrative governmental part of the city with people looking out from the windows of offices around where we were praying. This stuck in our minds because of what was to happen later in the day when we did some singing in the commercial square of the town.
Around 4pm we went there with guitars, keyboards, balloons to hand out for the kids, and began to sing. People loved it and began to gather. As we were singing our third song, the local sheriff, and some other “police” came and asked us to stop singing. The sheriff indicated that some of the “police” were FSB which is the descendent of the KGB. Their complaint was that our gathering had not been approved ahead of time by the authorities. Normally the local church is very good about making sure that they cover those bases. But they had asked a local policeman if it was necessary and he had indicated that just to sing and hand out balloons would not require a permit so we had gone ahead without one. Unfortunately they were wrong, and afterwards Pastor Velodia and Sanal apologized for the oversight to us as well as the police. Eventually the police came to Pastor Sanal’s house and church and took pictures of all of us Americans and got all of our passport information. The sheriff was very friendly even asked Curt Vahle to play music while he gathered the necessary information.
We felt that the current US/Russia differences over the Ukraine and Crimea contributed to why this situation became a problem.
That evening we had a marvelous time of worship with the Russians, Kalmykians, and Americans and we really experienced an amazing spirit of prayer and presence that really blessed everyone. We really were buoyed with faith that God would use what seemed like a negative experience that day in a great way and we really were encouraged. One of our main reasons for being here is just to strengthen the church here in Kalmykia which is few and far between and we saw that happening in our gathering that night.
On Friday we left for Konsomulski which is one of the towns in which Pastor Valodia had pastored. There we had lunch with Fedya and his wife, and then went prayer walking in town. Dr. Vahle once again met with local physicians and felt the greatest openness and interest in exploring ways to work together in offering care for the region. She also prayed with and counseled with Fedya and his wife for their own physical needs.
Each prayer walk gives us a greater connection to and understanding of the beauty as well as the needs of the community. Over the last few years these towns and cities have lost 1/3 to ½ of their population because of the loss of industry since the fall of communism. Our prayer walk through Konsomulski motivated us to pray for greater increase and fruitfulness for these regions.
After returning to Elista on Friday night, we had an awesome day in every way on Saturday. In the morning we taught the Russians about how to do Treasure Hunts as a way to share the gospel in their cities. We then divided into three groups and went out to share. I don’t have time now to share in detail all that happened but God led each group in amazing ways and we had precious moments of praying for people, sharing the gospel, and blessing them. We literally saw the understanding of God’s love and goodness touch people who would instantly tear up, and then embrace us as after we prayed for them. So precious. We trust this will be tool the Russians will be able to use fruitfully to reach their cities with the gospel.
In addition to going out, every day there are people who come to the churches for individual counsel or prayer. And Johnny Cawthon and different ones of us will stay at the church to do this. On this Saturday I stayed at the church and counseled while the team went to the square in Elista to sing with guitars and hand out some balloons--this time in little less obvious way than we had tried in Lagon. No amps, etc. They just kind of circled up and sang to themselves. This time they really were able to worship God with no interruptions. They had an amazing time just singing and handing out balloons. We know that God is using these times to bless the community.
Then that evening we were able to meet with a group of teachers and students from the surrounding area. Shayne Clark’s passion is for students to find purpose and meaning in life. As Tipton Middle School principle, Shayne brought 430 letters from his students, written to the children of Kalmykia. It was so exciting to see the interest of the teachers and one lady who is a retired “Minister of Education.” We began to see plans for Shayne to talk in the local schools start to come together and set up another meeting for Sunday afternoon.
On Sunday we had an amazing service with Pastor Velodia’s church. Amazing worship, great testimonies from our team, and then Curt Vahle and I preached. Many people responded to our messages to guard ourselves from the attacks against our hearts that we face today. Many people came forward to receive prayer for healing, issues of the heart, and many others. As I shared my testimony about how God has healed my heart, some people just began to cry continually as God touched them.
In the afternoon we went once again to met with teachers and students and finalized plans for Shayne and the team to go into the schools today and possibly tomorrow. Awesome opportunities.
So that is where things stand now. The team is coming by in a few minutes to pick me up for the afternoon outreaches now that I am feeling better. Hopefully some of us will be going to the schools. We have had many opportunities to pray, love the people of the churches here, and be a witness out in the communities of Kalmykia. This is truly a trip ordained by God. We are all encouraged. Please continue to pray with us every day. Your prayers are so important. --Chuck Evans
October 16 Update:
Hello from Samara!
We just arrived in Samara early morning, 7 a.m. and will begin ministering here today at 1 p.m. and again at 6 p.m. Shayne and Jeremiah made it home safely and we are all healthy and doing well.
Our time in Kalmykia was really useful to the work there and the churches as well as the many people we touched. Because of Judy and Shayne, and also Ben from South Africa, we made many new contacts and wide open doors to gain acceptance for the church and eventually for the gospel there in Kalmykia. We think one method will be a key and then the Lord drops something entirely different in our laps. There is a wide open door for a couple or a single person to come and stay for a year teaching English and developing relationships. We had multiple contacts with English Teachers and students in Kalmykia who were studying English. English is the international language and all Russian students are required to take it in school. They have to chose one language to specialize in and it is normally English or German. Because of the interest in interacting with English-speaking people, there are doors open everywhere in the schools, both grades 1-11 and University. Many relationships are opening doors for us to serve in Kalmykia and share the gospel in a naturally/supernatural way. The church in Elista is also pursuing beginning a Drug Rehab Center since there is not a center in Kalmykia at this time, to our knowledge. Dr. Judy Vahle has also open some excellent doors for the church here that had been closed previously. The lead Doctor in the field of Urology is the husband of a lady who is in the Love of the Lord Church in Elista. She has set us up with him to plan a Medical Mission at a later date.
October 18: We have been in Samara since early Thursday morning, it is now Sat. morning. On Thursday, we met with the Revival Bible Center Team for lunch and then ministered to a group of women in the evening whose group began as a support group to mothers with drug addicted children. The group has now broadened it's focus and is powerful. There were about 16 of us there, we sang, each of our 4 team members shared a testimony or a short word of encouragement. I spoke the longest on "Overcoming Discouragement." Chuck has lost a son to a drug-related situation and his testimony was very powerful and redemptive. Three women in the group had lost sons in the past 3 months, one just the Sunday before we were there. We prayed prophetically over each of the women there and there was a powerful encounter with the Holy Spirit.
Friday we again met with the RBC Team and shared a meal and then Chuck ministered to the on the condition of their heart, much powerful ministry ensued and we prayed prophetically over each of them. They are an amazing group, traveling continually all over Russia and several to other nations. One is now in Israel and the rest of the Team will be leaving for South Africa in a couple weeks. However, they too have issues in their hearts that needed healing. What a sweet time we had!
Friday night, we had a mission group come over, from 5 different churches, but all have a heart for the nations. They celebrate the beginning of the Sabbath, light the traditional candles, have communion and honor the Lord. Julia who started the group has lived in Israel for sometime and invited others to join. Most are young adults 20-30 years old, we had about 15 of us at the meeting, sharing a meal together, then we worshiped in English and Russian and prayed prophetically over each one. Many of them have already gone on short-term missions and several feel called to full-time mission work. Most of the group are also involved in the Monday night House of Prayer ministry also which we will join our last night here. There was just an unusual sense of the presence of Jesus with us throughout the time.
Today, Saturday, we will go to Uprovlenski District here in Moscow and have lunch with Irene & Tola Kondrateva, one of our interpreters and long-time friends here in Samara. Afterward, we will minister to several people Irene has invited over to her home. At 5 p.m. we will travel to Mexavod District and minister to a group who have a heart for missions as well, we will have communion, worship and minister the Word and prayer with them.
Monday: What a wonderful day we had on Saturday, a great meal with Irene & Tola and then ministered in healing and prophetically to about 5 people. They were encouraged and touched by the Lord's presence. It is always a treat when Tola plays his Biana (Russian Accordion) and Curt plays the guitar and we all sing in Russian and English. In the evening we met with about 10 from the Missionary Group formerly related to Good News Church. They were so glad to see us and we worshiped and had Communion together. Chuck Evans shared a word with them about the heart and we then gave them a full report on our activities in Kalmykia. They pray for Kalmykia regularly and 3 of the group have gone there on a mission trip. What a joy to see their heart for reaching the nations.
Sunday, Curt and Judy Vahle went to the Light of the World Church where they met our Young Adult Worship Team who accompanied us to Kalmykia and they had 30 minutes to share about the Kalmykia trip. They showed a video and each of them spoke, each one of the Russians shared how the Lord had changed their lives on this their first mission trip. Chuck Evans and I met with the Good News Church which we helped plant in 1993. I shared a short message and Chuck shared a powerful message out of his testimony of his last time in Samara. That trip was 14 years ago and he got a call in the middle of the night that his oldest son had committed suicide. This trip has been a part of the redemption of that tragic experience and God's healing and the message on the healing of the heart that God has now given Chuck.
Chuck and I met with Pastor Sergey for an hour and a half after service, we had a good time of sharing and discussing what is happening in the church and their lives. They have laid the foundation for their new church building and they are working each Saturday on the building until winter hits and stops them until next Spring. In the evening, we met with the Young Adult Group hosted by Light of the World Church where we ministered with Light, our Russian Music Group, and then Chuck shared his testimony of redemption from drugs. A wonderful night of worship and the Word and fellowship.
Today, Monday, at noon, we ate a great Lunch at a Restaurant overlooking the Volga River. The owner is a friend and former student of our interpreter friend, Irene Kandrate, whom Curt and I met last trip in June, 2014. He provided an excellent meal prepared by their chef and would not take any money at all. A little more of God's lavish love He continually pours out on us as we put Him first and follow Him. We then spent some time seeing the sites of the city, driven by another student of Irene who wanted to practice her English. Leana was a great tour guide in her new Toyota car, again all free. She dropped us off at the Revival Bible Center Office where we met and said "Goodbye" to the Team and prayed together. Then at 6 we met with the Samara House of Prayer for Worship and Harp and Bowl Intercession. We then shared testimony and a word with them to encourage them in prayer and intercession for the nations using Luke 11: 9-13 & Psalm 2: 8. We then quickly prophesied over 11 people. We are now home, packing and preparing to leave for the airport @ 3:30 a.m. We are scheduled to be home Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. at the INDY Airport. Thanks for your prayers and interest! Johnny Cawthon